It’s day-of-Erev Rosh Hashanah. Perhaps like me, you’re going into your final preparations for the holiday. (Or perhaps you got momentarily distracted by the overflowing sweatshirt shelf in your son's closet and took 20 minutes to help him empty out clothes that are too small… But wait, cleaning out the old to make way for the new seems about "on brand for today" so I'm calling it prep!#winning)

I started out my actual preparation for the day with finishing a round of dishes left in the sink and taking the frozen challah out of the freezer (I make the dough, braid it, freeze it and then take it out to bake fresh.) Then I saw a FB post by my friend Jordana who shared a message she had found that was inspiring and motivating to her. It was just the nugget of learning and wisdom I really needed this morning.
The preparation for the feasts of this holiday really are meaningful to me and I love celebrating with friends and family around the table as we enjoy the food and the company, but the FB post reminded me that it's also time on this Day-Of-Erev Rosh Hashanah to get my neshama (soul) ready for the holiday. Here are two things I found this morning to help with that effort:
Jordana's FB Post from Midreshet Torah Chesed:
Rabbi Menachem Creditor's Prayer for the New Year
