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Two Kinds of Buzzing


Yesterday morning felt rushed. Unlike a weekday there wasn’t a bus to catch or a school start time, but nonetheless I was buzzing with the feeling of things overlapping and trying to get it done quickly. It might have stemmed from my weekly Sunday practice of menu planning and taking a look at the week ahead. Right now, it's useful, but a tad intimidating. Spring is FULL! Each day has multiple activities going on that need the logistics figured out.

This week I also made the time to exercise, but that meant that it was a bit late for breakfast by the time I got our kids going on that. Then I missed the texts and calls from my husband who was giving me a heads up that he was on his way home to get me so when he arrived I was surprised and not prepared. I brought all those feelings of commotion and buzzing into the car with me on the way to our next morning activity.

And then I arrived at that activity - a morning of volunteering at the Historic Jay Gardens on the grounds of The Jay Heritage Center.

This was an event organized by our synagogue's Sisterhood and Brotherhood. I almost didn't make it because of the way the morning was going, but I am so glad I went.

Shortly after arriving we had a tour of the gardens before we starting the work of volunteering. The gardens are beautifully laid out, mixing plants that native and imported, useful and decorative. As we walked, I could hear the crunch of the gravel under my feet, feel the bright sun beginning to warm my hair and face, smell earth and floral and herbs, and hear the birds chirping and the insects buzzing. We passed through formal gardens and raised beds, a reflecting pool, and by the time we got to the 3rd "room" of the garden and to the rose arbor, I felt the frantic feeling of the morning be replaced by the calming resonance of being in nature.

I gladly replaced the buzzing of the chaotic morning with the buzzing of the insects and the vibrations of peace that emanated through me as I dug in the dirt to plant and to weed and make space. I hope to keep that message with me and make space for calm in the rest of my mornings too.

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