Since this Shabbat is Chag for Sukkot, we have specific Torah readings from outside the normal calendar cycle. Therefore, rather than being inspired what whatever parsha came next, this week I'm taking inspiration from the holiday itself.
I'm focusing on the Arba Minim, the 4 species that are associated with this holiday. Using these 4 plants with the holiday comes directly from the Torah (Vayikra 23:40)
"And you shall take on the first day the fruit of splendid trees, branches of palm trees and boughs of leafy trees and willows of the brook, and you shall rejoice before the LORD your God for seven days."
In the Talmud , the four plants are identified as:

Since we don't actually wave or make use of these 4 species on Shabbat, we'll think of them through the menu. For the main meal, I would make roast chicken, using herb stalks, such as rosemary and thyme that have some resemblance to harass and aravah. For a side dish, we would have spiced carrots and dates, to reference the date palm from which the Lulav originates. Much thanks to my friend, Carolyn, who just shared the Spiced Carrots & Dates recipe with me. Perfect timing!

Finally, for dessert, we need something that references the etrog, which is a citrus fruit and somewhat resembles a lemon. So, in honor of the etrog, I would make lemon squares, using my mother's recipe (below). I am a real lemon square snob and only like this version. I need a real bottom crust, one that requires a bit; then gooey not overly-sweet lemon and a crisp top crust. That's what makes a good lemon square in my book!
B'tyavon, Shabbat Shalom, and Chag Sameach!
