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Have you tried turning it off and on again?


I wonder how many calls to IT help lines include the question "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"

It's been a running joke for years about IT help and yet, annoyingly, it is still often the solution to whatever tech glitch is happening. I still don't really understand why it works, and yet, there it is.

The other day one of my friend's apps was not working right and we just wanted to order our coffee and tea. So I said this dreaded phrase and got an appropriately annoyed look back from my friend. But, wouldn't you know it, when he gave it a try it worked! In the moment I responded "I guess everything just needs a re-start sometimes." As soon as I said it, the comment hit home. Sometimes we do all just need a restart, a chance to recover from whatever glitch or bad mood or moment has put us feeling off. It could be as simple as the phone or computer re-start...just a moment of shutting down, finding quiet, maybe closing our eyes, to be able to re-open with a new feel and perspective. Maybe next time I hit a tech glitch, I'll be able to give my device the same grace I should give myself and see the opportunity to re-start as a positive.

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