I am biased. In fact, pretty much we all are. Some biases we are aware of, but many are unconscious. As I sit here at the very tail end of 2023, looking to the start of 2024 I realize that I am definitely suffering from recency bias when I evaluate the year. The past few months loom very large in my mind.

Perhaps that is true every year, though I feel like this year is different. This year the past few months have not only been hard to handle while they happened, they also shook some pretty foundational beliefs I had, raised fears I thought were long gone, and made me question more deeply what would come next. And I know that my suffering, fear, and trauma do not come close to what others have experienced/are experiencing. It makes it harder to look forward to next year.
But I want to. And I don't want to forget the amazing moments that were highlights in 2023 - love, success, friends, family, graduations, bar mitzvah, new college milestone, new signed contract, and professional growth. So many good things. So many blessings.
I have to believe there are more blessings to come in 2024, even if we have to find the good among some pretty terrible things too.
May we all be able to find the good. Here's to a good 2024.
