Lively and engaging classes that inspire GOOD QUESTIONS and bring new knowledge and insight to participants. Topics draw on Jewish texts for context and connect to our current lives. Programs can be customized for a wide range of ages and educational backgrounds and can be conducted in-person or over zoom.
Sample Classes

Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them in Judaism
Judaism has a long and winding history of ritual and texts related to the supernatural - sorceresses, demons, mystical creatures, and more. Starting from the biblical texts and ending with comics and Anime, this class highlights the stories and rituals that are often overlooked, traces the development of some current common practices, and reviews how the meaning changes over time. Available as a single or multi-session class. With multi-session, program will delve into a fun exploration of superstitious customs.

This I Believe
Wade into the complicated and difficult topic of interacting with others when we disagree with them. Using Jewish texts as jumping off points, we will discuss why people should treat others with respect and how to enter conversations that include topics that may trigger us. With the radio program This I Believe as a model, we will look to find common ground in some core beliefs knowing that the goal is not to persuade others to agree on the same beliefs, but to encourage people to develop respect for beliefs different from their own. Available as single or multi-session class.

HaKarat HaTov - Recognizing the Good
Most people know that it's good to be grateful. So why can it be so hard to recognize the good in our lives? Using lessons from Jewish texts, modern media, consumer marketing, and advertising, and "The Opposite of Spoiled: Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, and Smart About Money" by Ron Lieber this course explores what obstacles and environmental factors impact our thinking and presents principles and tools to find the way to Hakarat HaTov - recognizing the good. Available as 1 session, though multi-session is preferred.